Krmel Announces a Seven Volume Book Series
Wisdom Teachings By Living and Ascended Masters
Coming Soon

The Story Behind the "We Are All Masters" Book Series
As part of the individual spiritual growth journeys that each of the Krmel Team undertook, unbeknownst to each other over a number of years, we were all being guided by the same Ascended Masters during that time. When we came together after hearing the repeated guidance to start gathering and to "write 2 books" on ancient wisdom teachings together, we finally met in 2010 for our first retreat together, with nary an idea of what was to unfold.As soon as we settled in to work on the "2 books", five Ascended Masters came in and gave us almost 28 hours of wisdom teachings on various topics. Almost 250 pages in one week were received by the Krmel Team.
The Masters that came in at the 1st retreat were:
Master Sanat Kumara
Master Sananda (Yeshua ben Joseph or Jesus)
Master Mary Magdalena
Master Saint Germain, and
Master Serapis Bay
Additional Masters that came in at the 2nd retreat were:
Master Lady Nada
Goddess Isis
Master Kathumi
Master Mother Mary, and
Master Mariam
The resulting wisdom teachings that were received are now being prepared by the Krmel Team to be shared with our Brothers and Sisters, expected to be released soon as the multi-volume Book Series, now being called "We Are All Masters" with seven volumes planned currently.
The Topics covered in the "We Are All Masters" Series, are far ranging and far reaching.
Below is a high level overview of the teachings contained in this series:
Volume I - The Dance of Shiva and Shakti
Teachings By the Ascended Masters On:
- Self Mastery
- Creating Sacred Relationship with Yourself
- Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine
- Balancing of Polarities
- Healthy Feminine
- Healthy Masculine
- Original Blueprint Creation Matrix Codes
- Creating Sacred Relationship with Others
- Sacred Marriage
- Ways We Leak Our Personal Power
- Sitting in Your Captain's Chair of Your Space Ship
- Spiritual Practices to Increase, Hold and Develop Your Energy and Power
- About Integrity and Values
Volume II - 13 Secrets to Creating Sacred Relationship
- 13 Teachings on areas to master within Yourself, and with your Partner to Create Sacred Relationship
- Deeper Treatise on the Foundry of Sacred Relationship, Building upon Volume I
Volume III - 13 Languages of Love
- Insight into the Limited Ideas of Love in our Society Today
- Deeper Insights on Nature of Unconditional and Divine Love
- 13 Different Ways/Forms/Languages of Love
Volume IV - Energetics of Birth
- A Deep Insight into the Unconsciousness around Conception, Pregnancy and Birth Today
- Insights, Teachings, Practices into Bringing Full Consciousness to Conception, Pregnancy and Birth
- Light Conception
- Bringing Consciousness into the Spiritual, Energetics, Emotional, Physical and Relational Aspects of Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting for the Mother, Father/Partner and Family
- Application of Self Mastery Spiritual Practices to Conception, Pregnancy and Birth
Volume V - Sexy Spirited and Wise (Woman)
- A Return to Self-Esteem
- All About Energy
- Female Sexual Energy & Tantra
- Yoni Magic
- Connecting With a Beloved
- Self Charging Empowerment Practices for Women
- Becoming a Spirited Woman
Volume VI - Sexy Spirited and Ancient
- Mystical Practices
- Communing with The Divine
- Your Higher Self
- Tools to Connect with Your Soul and Universal Spirit
- Spiritual Practices, Yantra, Mantras, Mudras
- Ancient History & Practices
- Woman's Health
- Emotional, Physical Health
- Clarity of Gifts
- Life Purpose
- Outer Manifestations
Volume VII - Echoes of Ancient Sisters
- A Lesson on Women’s Spirituality for Self-Esteem
- An in Depth Treatise and Exploration of Ancient Sisters
- The Lessons from Wise Women of Times Past
- Clarity of Gifts
- Life Purpose
- Outer Manifestations
- Dreams and Goals
- Connection and Communication
- Service and Community
- Turning to Sisters from Pre-historic to Minoan
- Egypt
- Classical Greek
- India
- China
- Japan
- Middle East
- Final Turning Point