Krmel Team Stories
The Earthly Krmel Team

Director, Krmel School for Self Mastery. Founder and Executive Director, Krmel Mystery School.
Sandeep is a brother who at 18, lived on minimum wage and learnt to create massive abundance and success in everything by 28. He has been studying and mastering manifestation skills for 28 years.
He has studied, practiced, failed and succeeded and finally distilled, integrated and learnt these secrets. Sandeep learnt further secrets and an elegant creation process from spiritual masters. He wants to share it with you, freely. For he believes that there is unlimited abundance in the multi-verse!
Sandeep synthesized the proven manifestation teachings and practices over the last few years and started offering this body of amazing work to assist others via the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation courses and talks. The students of these courses have been totally amazed by these teachings as you can see in the testimonials…
Sandeep’s Full Bio
Sandeep is a cosmic traveler, teacher, old soul, writer, communicator, organizer, planner, visionary, natural leader, meta-physician, light worker, ceremonial/ritual gathering leader, cosmologist, permaculturist, researcher, inventor, entrepreneur, experienced former business leader/CEO, and a large scale complex systems designer/engineer.
Sandeep founded/built/sold a very successful medium sized international computer software/systems company based in the U.S. from 1989 to 2004. During his entrepreneurial life, Sandeep gained substantial experience in creating organizations that succeed in their missions, project/group/business management, legal, accounting, financial, advertising, marketing, sales, graphics/web/print design and capital/investment management. Sandeep’s business interests currently include guiding an INC500 healthcare technology company as the Chairman, and as a partner in a Venture Capital Fund for growth stage companies.
In 2008, Sandeep dedicated his life to serving the divine; to being a vessel for divine flow and using all his past experience and skills to walk his highest path; dedicating himself to self mastery, ascension process and being of service. While he has been an ardent student of many lineages of spiritual wisdom teachings for over 25 years, it was in 2008, after some powerful initiations in India and Mt. Shasta, that he started to see, hear and converse with ascended masters more frequently. Initially, Yeshua/Jesus, Mary Magdalena, Mother Mary and Grandmother Anna started working with him. Gradually, he also started receiving teachings and guidance from many other Masters and light beings who are assisting us all in our ascension process on Earth; in these transition times. While he was initially skeptical and questioning everything; after all, his background is in physics, engineering, rational thought, technology and business; he finally surrendered into the divine flow after much resistance, undeniable divine miracle experiences, initiations, hurdles, tests, lessons and growth.
In 2009 and 2010, he went on a life changing spiritual pilgrimage. He studied at a mystery school under a spiritual teacher focused on self mastery skills and application of advanced spiritual technology in the 3D here and now. This pilgrimage took him to visiting, meditating and receiving much information, teachings and spiritual activations at dozens of sacred sites. He visited almost all the temples and pyramids in Egypt; ancient stone circles, sacred wells, waters, ceremonial caves and sacred sites in the Languedoc region and Southern France, Northern Spain, England, the Big Isle of Avalon (Anglesey, Wales), the Small Isle of Avalon (Glastonbury, UK), Scotland, Ireland, Austria, the Big Island of Hawaii, the four corners area in the US, and Mt. Shasta California.
After a particularly powerful initiation at midnight on June 20th, 2010 at the Sphinx, and on the morning of summer solstice on June 21 lying in the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Gizeh, he received clear downloads and guidance that it was time for him to birth the mystery school; appropriate for our current times. That such an effort will not only assist and support him in his personal ongoing spiritual growth, but also that sharing of this process and journey with others, will greatly inspire and assist others in our shared transition and planetary ascension process.
Working with the Ascended Masters and other members of the Krmel Team, Sandeep is currently channeling and co-authoring the "We Are All Masters" multi-volume series of books being prepared to share with the world soon. Sandeep travels globally as he shares proven spiritual technology with audiences everywhere in service towards planetary awakening.

Director, the Krmel School of Sentient Birth. Co-Founder of The Krmel.
Born in a small town near Boise, Idaho - Grace Murdock comes to Krmel with a depth of wisdom and respect for each Soul’s journey of personal and planetary evolution.
Director of the Krmel School of Sentient Birth, Grace is a Mother (aka Student), Teacher, three time certified Doula, and a recent graduate of The Matrona School for Quantum Midwifery.
Grace received her first doula certificate through Artemis College, continued her studies with Elizabeth Davis’ "Heart and Hands”, and recently graduated from The Matrona in 2012. She became a Certified Spirit Coach® in 2008 and is presently applying the Spirit Coaching® model to inspire her own family, as well as others, to consciously and intentionally approach the passages of Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting.
Understanding ‘Birth’ as the One Experience that all humans on the planet have in common, Grace curiously & passionately observes Birth as a teacher and a model for living a life harmonious with the natural mysteries inherent in Creation. Humbly harvesting her experiences and observations, she breathes these teachings intimately to life through Spirit Coaching® and her Energetics of Birth Series - encouraging couples to utilize the heightened presence of Creation energy available during conception/pregnancy/birth/postpartum to inform their deep Soul work, their Parenting, and their ‘Bigger Picture' growth opportunities.
Grace has witnessed and experienced Birth to be a profound Rite of Passage. She and her partner birthed at home and delivered their daughter themselves. She encourages families to co.create intimate, caring birth environments that honor the 'Soul Purpose' of the child being born. As well, she knows that honoring a woman and families’ self directed choices as to how and where they unfold their Birth journey is her highest role as a Birth attendant.
Complimentary to her Birth training, Grace is a Certified Yoga Therapy Teacher, Prenatal Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Trainer, and 'Prayerformance' Artist. Having worked as a Healing Arts Practitioner for over twenty years she blends Massage, Energetic Hands on Healing, Intuitive Readings, ReEvaluation Counseling (Co-Counseling), and Yoga/Movement Therapy to assist clients in channeling their body’s innate wisdom for the purpose of Self healing and the cultivation of greater creativity in their lives.
Grace would like to offer her gratitude and deep respect to The Foundation For Spiritual Development in San Rafael, CA - and to Dana and Jenai for the profound container of growth and learning she experienced in her five plus years of study at FSD.
Working with the Ascended Masters, Grace is currently co-authoring a book titled “Sentient Birth; Journey to Creation” which is one of a multi-volume series titled "We Are All Masters". Grace currently resides in Asheville, NC. with her family, and her daughter.

Co-Director, the Krmel School for Women's Mysteries. Co-Founder of The Krmel.
Iva Tashlick is an enthusiastic lifelong student and explorer of consciousness, creativity, healing, human potential, wisdom traditions, and embodied spirit. Iva has enjoyed sharing her skills in the wellness field for over 35 years, blending massage, movement education, somatics, hypnosis, Qigong, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and Matrix Re-imprinting.
Iva offers a wealth of experience and presence and a unique synthesis to each person and group she works with. She has been deeply involved with women's spirituality through co-creating, facilitating, and hosting women's gatherings, circles, ceremonies, and rituals.
As a co-facilitator for the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation teachings with Sandeep and Krmel, Iva shares multi-dimensional embodiment and experiential practices; and provides support to clear, attune, enhance and harmonize the teachings for manifestation.
Krmel teachers strongly believe that theoretical teachings must be accompanied by experiential embodiment practices to anchor the teachings for the students. Iva works closely with Sandeep to facilitate the anchoring and embodiment of the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation teachings every day during the courses.
Iva is deeply thankful to be alive at this time of planetary evolution and so glad to be a part of the Shift that is awakening a new paradigm everywhere NOW.
Working with the Ascended Masters and other members of the Krmel Team, Iva is currently co-authoring the "We Are All Masters" multi-volume series of books being prepared to share with the world as Krmel brings these teachings to our brothers and sisters.
The Krmel Spirit Team
The inspiration for re-birthing our beloved ancient Mount Karmel Mystery School into the new Krmel Mystery School came from guidance received by the earthly Krmel Team from a number of Ascended Masters over the last few years.