Have you noticed that wayyyy too many goals, projects, ventures and organizations attempted by many well meaning people seem to fail? We have.
Do you feel that you have the skills for manifesting your goals and visions?

We will shed light on common reasons why most have difficulty manifesting their goals. And 13 of the most critical Secrets necessary to master conscious manifestation.
If you are ready to learn the proven beliefs, secrets, wisdom teachings and processes that will increase your manifestation success dramatically, then come join a small group of students on this life changing journey.
We will meet for 2 weeks for a full immersion life changing course. And we will together identify and discard the biggest hurdles that keep most people from being successful manifest-ors.

And we will together learn the most critical 13 Secrets. Secrets, if practiced, embodied and lived, will change your life. Fully Anchored!!
Course Topics
- Universal Laws of Manifestation
- Universal Laws of Magnetism
• Spiritual Laws of Karma
• Creation Process
• Proper Goal Setting
• Formulae for Success
• Planning
• Resourcing
• Clearing Hurdles
• Mastering Money
• Patience and Perseverance
• Formulae and Process for Successful Manifestation
More Details on Course Curriculum here.

As an added bonus for being at Isis Cove for this course, we are blessed to have beloved elder teacher, Linda Star Wolf coming to share an Intro session with our class in her acclaimed work in Shamanic Breathwork.
Linda Star Wolf, the author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Breathwork and six other books, is the originator of the Shamanic Breathwork process and the founder of the Venus Rising Association for Transformation and of Venus Rising University. She is a teacher and spiritual guide to thousands of people around the world.
Course Location

We will gather for 2 weeks at a beautiful place called Isis Cove Retreat Center, about 1 hour drive from Asheville, NC (USA).
Isis Cove Retreat Center is part of a scenic 50 acre, cozy community of shamans, metaphysicians, and like-minded folk that spontaneously gather in the magical Blue Mountains. Isis Coves specializes in creating sacred space for healing, metaphysical workshops, and personal reflection and growth. This unique location provides privacy, security, and peace of mind.
Isis Cove Retreat Center hosts events with a focus on metaphysical teachings, shamanism, new age topics, spirituality, holistic health care, permaculture, earth-friendly living, and psycho-spirituality.

Isis Cove is a safe, beautiful, comfortable, and nurturing container for people to grow on all levels attracts exemplary workshop facilitators and teachers who promote the healing of the world through the healing of the self. More info on Isis Cove...
Carol Gaia Fleitz, co-owner of Isis Cove has been a past student of the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation course; and is delighted to host Krmel Mystery School for these offerings in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 at Isis Cove.
The course fee fully includes the course itself, your lodging at Isis Cove, wonderful healthy meals for the course duration, and the use of the retreat center facilities.
Your Hosts
This course will be led by Sandeep, with experiential assistance by Iva.

Sandeep is a brother who at 18, lived on minimum wage and learnt to create massive abundance and success in everything by 28. He has been studying and mastering manifestation skills for 28 years. He has studied, practiced, failed and succeeded and finally distilled, integrated and learnt these secrets.
Sandeep learnt further secrets and an elegant creation process from spiritual masters. He wants to share it with you, freely. For he believes that there is unlimited abundance in the multi-verse! Sandeep’s Full Bio here...

Co-Director, the Krmel School for Women's Mysteries. Co-Founder of The Krmel.
Iva Tashlick is an enthusiastic lifelong student and explorer of consciousness, creativity, healing, human potential, wisdom traditions, and embodied spirit. Iva has enjoyed sharing her skills in the wellness field for over 35 years, blending massage, movement education, somatics, hypnosis, Qigong, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and Matrix Re-imprinting.
Iva offers a wealth of experience and presence and a unique synthesis to each person and group she works with. She has been deeply involved with women's spirituality through co-creating, facilitating, and hosting women's gatherings, circles, ceremonies, and rituals.

As a co-facilitator for the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation teachings with Sandeep and Krmel, Iva shares multi-dimensional embodiment and experiential practices; and provides support to clear, attune, enhance and harmonize the teachings for manifestation.
Krmel teachers strongly believe that theoretical teachings must be accompanied by experiential embodiment practices to anchor the teachings for the students. Iva works closely with Sandeep to facilitate the anchoring and embodiment of the 13 Secrets of Conscious Manifestation teachings every day during the courses.
Iva is deeply thankful to be alive at this time of planetary evolution and so glad to be a part of the Shift that is awakening a new paradigm everywhere NOW.
Working with the Ascended Masters and other members of the Krmel Team, Iva is currently co-authoring the "We Are All Masters" multi-volume series of books being prepa’red to share with the world as Krmel brings these teachings to our brothers and sisters.
How Do We Do This? - This Massive Change Together!... Click here to get a glimpse...
Course Dates

Fall 2014: November 9 to 23rd, 2014 • Isis Cove Retreat Center, near Asheville, NC
Spring 2015: May 7 to 20, 2015 • Isis Cove Retreat Center, near Asheville, NC
Course Fees ($600 to $2000 per attendee; includes course, lodging and meals)
$2000 per attendee - includes full course, healthy meals and dorm lodging at Isis Cove Retreat Center.
- $200 deposit required at the time of registration; 100% refundable if registration cancelled before Oct 15th/Mar 31.
- Balance due by November 2nd for Fall 2014; or by April 30th for Spring 2015.
- Course limited to 16 attendees in order of completed registration.
- Payment accepted by credit card, cash, check or money order. Please email us if you wish to mail your payment instead of paying by credit card online.
If you need to discuss special arrangements for a payment plan to pay over time, please email us, and we will consider options on an individual basis.
Available Discounts
Early Registration
$200 Discount (i.e. $1800 per attendee) for Early Registration
- If registered by October 15th, 2014 for Fall 2014 Course
- If registered by March 31st, 2015 for Spring 2015 Course
Previous Course Attendees
$800 Discount (i.e. $1200 per attendee) for students of previous 13 Secrets Courses
We expect the courses to be fully booked; so early registration is recommended. Please click below to Register for the Course :

Work Trade Positions
2 Work-Trade Positions available for $600 instead of $2000; once we have 10 or more paid registered attendees.
- Work-Trade attendees will assist the staff with light duties during non-class times.
- Must apply for work trade positions via an application and interview process here. No payment required to apply.